Hood River Area Trail Stewards: Post Canyon Parking passes, Trail Heroes

Happy Spring! (Is it safe to say that yet?) Welcome to week four of our eight-week spring newsletter campaign. We hope you’re enjoying our quick-and-dirty seasonal trail news.

Parking passes: Head’s up that Hood River County’s parking pass system starts May 4. Like the Boss says—it’s been a long time coming but now it’s here. Funds raised go into the budget for the Hood River County Recreation Trails system. Parking permits are $5 per day or $30 for the season. Buy a permit and get more info here.

Trail Heroes: This week, we’ve got a special message about a couple of folks who’ve quietly and steadily supported local trail efforts for years. Without a lot of fanfare or hullabaloo, the owners of Sixth Street Bistro have buoyed HRATS and 44 Trails with their enthusiasm, swag, and cold hard cash. To shine a light on their efforts, here’s a message from Heather Pola, local trail volunteer since 2008, co-adopter of SEXY BEAST, co-founder of SheroDigs Hood River, committee member of Hood River County Forestry Recreational Trail Committee, former outreach and events coordinator and Vice President of HRATS, and Unicorn Wrangler.

“For so many years prior to the over a decade that HRATS has been alive, Chris and Stacie Creasy have been giving back to our local trails and community. Before #hash-tagging the community became a thing (which by the way, isn’t really their thing—hash-tagging community) Chris and Stacie have always been like Yoda: They don’t try; they do.

Back in the days before any official organization of HRATS or 44 Trails established websites or social media handles, Sixth Street Bistro was giving to local trail builders and boots on the ground folks like Jimmy Thornton of 44 Trails and many others. Be it for work party raffles or fundraisers, Sixth Street Bistro has always been a contributor to our cause. Offering everything from super swag hats, t-shirts, and gift cards, they have been a constant to our evolution of trail love. 

And then there’s that bodacious Singletrack Burger they started serving up close to a decade ago. Not only succulent, but also the epitome of community. Every month for many years, Chris and Stacie have been sending a check on a monthly rotation to HRATS and 44 Trails. A dollar of every Singletrack Burger sold is donated to our local non-profit trail organizations.

In a delicious nutshell: Sixth Street Bistro is the OG of true community. They shine the true nature of giveback and for that, we are so very appreciative and grateful. 

Now go get yourself a Singletrack Burger and fries. It’s like flying two kites off one string. Your belly will be so happy and your heart so full because you’re also giving back to our trails in ordering one!”

Thanks for reading and happy trails.Copyright © 2022 Hood River Area Trail Stewards, All rights reserved.
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Suite #209

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Categories: Mountain Bike Racing

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